Red Flags: Be Calm & Get Better Help in Here

Life can be challenging, and at times, we all need a helping hand to navigate through the tough moments. Red Flags is more than just a mindfulness app; it’s a supportive community crafted for those facing the shadows of mental health challenges.

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Group 9


Read & listen to true hero stories.

Group 10

Meditation Sound & Music

Plug in to music & sounds to refresh your mood.

Group 11


Give your brain the activity it needs with personalized riddles. 

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Quotes & Affirmations

Maximize the power of your words with life-changing quotes & affirmations.

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Answer questions set by experts to find out the state of your mental health.

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Community Support

Get the required support you need by joining our community of like-minded people. 

Our Motto

Nobody Wakes Up One Day And Decides To Commit Suicide

The heart of Red Flags lies in our motto: “Nobody wakes up one day and decides to commit suicide; there were signs.” We are committed to spreading awareness and creating a space where these signs are not only recognized but responded to with compassion and understanding.

Red Flags is here to help you recognize and address those signs, fostering a community of mentally healthy individuals.

Turn On Sleep & Relaxation

Kick Start Your Day

Get Personalized Support

Score Your Mental Health


Get Started Now

Embark on a journey towards mental well-being with Red Flags. Download the app now and become part of a community that understands, supports, and uplifts. Remember, you are not alone. Together, we build a community of mentally healthy individuals, one mindful step at a time.

Download Red Flags and Let the Healing Begin.